Week 4 Blog Post

As discussed by our Professor in this week's lecture, the human body has been critical the role of medicine has been historically speaking in regards to art. In lecture one, she discusses human dissection and how the act of being present for these intimate moments with the body has helped with the creation of art regarding it (Vesna). Throughout history the body has been symbolic and representative of so many different things, and are serves as a means to represent that. Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci via: Erickson Beyond the actual creation of art and medicine affecting that, there have been recent studies that explore how art itself actually affects medicine. In an article entitled "Can Studying Art Help Medical Students Become Better Doctors?" by Robert Glatter, MD, Glatter explores this different perspective. He writes about how creating art allows medical students who primarily use the left side of their brain will allow them to be more stimulated and use ...